Design for Security plays a key role in assisting Local Authorities to fulfil their duty to do all that is reasonable to reduce crime and disorder in their areas. By giving advice on all but the most minor of planning applications, we ensure that the Local Authorities of Greater Manchester know whether a potential development may attract, or become a victim to crime.
The team of crime prevention specialists at Design for Security provide prompt, reliable input following consultation on planning applications, founded on the in-depth crime information available to us and the principals to which we work.

We also consult our operational colleagues and other departments within the police, to ensure that every aspect of proposed developments is considered. Examples of our internal consultees are:
- Crime Reduction Advisors
- Counter-Terrorism
- Traffic Management
- Licencing
- Neighbourhood Policing Teams
With this level of expertise at our fingertips, we are able to assess all planning proposals in terms of the risk of crime, and how well the applicant has considered such security risks through their designs.
The local planning authority may apply a planning condition to successful applications, which relates to a proposals security specification. In this case, we recommend that the applicant contacts Design for Security at the earliest opportunity to discuss the necessary security measures needed for the proposal, to ensure that the condition can be successfully signed off.