Meet The Team

Julia Hall

Julia Hall RIBA

Head of Design for Security

After qualifying as an architect in 2002, Julia worked in commercial practice in Manchester for 10 years. She subsequently joined the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and worked in both Liverpool and London developing professional learning for architects. Julia joined Greater Manchester Police in 2013 as a Design for Security Consultant bringing with her 12 years of industrial experience. She took over as Head of Design for Security in August 2016.

Michael Craig

Michael Craig Dip LD CMLI

Design for Security Consultant

A chartered landscape architect, Michael has many years’ experience of design of parks and public open spaces, having been part of local authority landscape teams in Bolton, Stockport, Birmingham and Manchester. Michael joined the Architectural Liaison Unit (now Design for Security – DfS) in 2008, bringing his expertise of the external environment and public realm to the team, together with a thorough knowledge of planning, construction and site management. Michael believes that DfS makes a significant contribution to reducing crime and improving the quality of life for residents, workers and visitors to Greater Manchester.

Brad Hart

Bradley Hart (MTCP)

Design for Security Consultant

Bradley completed a Master’s Degree in Town & Country Planning at the University of Manchester in 2003, including a dissertation on the success of the Secured by Design scheme in relation to a refurbished residential estate in Salford. After completing his studies, Bradley joined Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council Planning Department and worked as a Development Control Planning Officer and, later, as a Senior Planning Officer. In 2004, Bradley followed his interest in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and joined Greater Manchester Police to work as a Design for Security Consultant. Since working with GMP, Bradley has completed a number of further Police, Home Office and University led qualifications relating to designing out crime, has been an integral part of developing and expanding the service that Design for Security provides and has used his expertise to influence a wide variety of new build and refurbishment developments across Greater Manchester. He is currently the longest serving member of the Design for Security team.

Adrian Murphy

Adrian Murphy (MRTPI)

Design for Security Consultant

A chartered town planner for over 25 years, Adrian began his career in Development Management in Greater Manchester before moving into Urban Regeneration, where he specialised in town centre regeneration. A five year spell in town centre management on Merseyside, with responsibilities as diverse as, community liaison, project management, security operations, event and environmental management, marketing and car park management, was followed by a move into Business Development.
He joined Greater Manchester Police in 2006 as a consultant and has advised on many high profile projects, including: the Etihad Campus, Circle Square, Maggie’s Centre at the Christie, and The Whitworth Art Gallery extension.
He has appeared as expert witness at planning inquiries.
He’s particularly interested in how the environment influences human behaviour, and has presented at a range of conferences and events across the UK and Europe on the subject of ’Designing out Crime’.

Patrick Babb

Kate O’Connor

Kate O’Connor  (BSc Hons and Master’s Degree)

Design for Security Analyst

Sean Bastow

Sean Bastow (BSc Hons)

Assistant Design for Security Consultant

After graduating in 2007, Sean worked in the private sector in Manchester for companies such as Direct Line & British Gas. Sean joined Greater Manchester Police in 2016 as an Assistant Design for Security Consultant bringing with him 9 years of commercial experience within the Banking & Insurance industries.

David Maher

David Maher (Dip Arch)

Design for Security Consultant

Prior to joining Design for Security in 2017, David spent close to 20 years in architectural practice in London, Brighton and Manchester.

He formed part of the initial design team for the award winning Co-operative headquarters building at One Angel Square, M/cr.

Notable achievements include leading a number of buildings from inception to completion, across a variety of sectors, locations and cityscapes.

During his time within the realms of architecture David led a Research + Development project (in partnership with the RIBA) into assisted living.

This R+D interest has continued within DFS, producing a number of conferences on designing out crime within the built environment. He also forms part of a European project with GMP and the University of Salford. David has been a regular speaker at MMU School of Architecture and Anglia Ruskin University on the work of DFS.