Argus Professional (Counter-Terrorism Workshop for Designers)

Built Environment Professionals – Architects, Planners and Developers

A key finding of the Lord West review was that more would be achieved by better engaging local authorities, local partners and in particular businesses to encourage them to implement counter-terrorist security advice, with a particular focus on designing-in CT protective security measures to new buildings to reduce the vulnerability to a terrorist attack in crowded places.

One of the initiatives introduced to engage with these key groups is Argus Professional which was launched in 2008.

It is based upon the successful format of Project Argus and was developed by NaCTSO to target planning, architect and design professionals to raise awareness of designing in counter terrorism protective security measures at the design concept stage. These professions have been identified as being able to play a significant role in reducing vulnerability, hence the aim of Argus Professional is to encourage debate, and demonstrate that counter terrorism measures can be designed into structures and space to create safer crowded places.

What can you expect?

Argus Professional is a free event, which takes you through a terrorist attack using a desk top multi-media simulation. You will work in small syndicate groups to answer a series of questions and challenges put to you, and develop your responses to the attack. The whole event including a coffee break will last approximately three hours.

These events can be arranged via your local Counter Terrorism Security Advisor who will facilitate the event.

Please contact Richard Preston: