The Crime Impact Statement (CIS) is the report requested by local planning authorities, to be submitted with major planning applications. These are sometimes referred to as Crime Impact Assessments, or Design Out Crime Assessments (DOCA). The CIS is not just a report however, but a consultation and evaluation process undertaken by Design for Security.
Introduced in 2006 by Greater Manchester Police & Manchester Planning Authorities, the CIS process involves identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the crime and disorder effects of a development proposal early in the design process—prior to planning decisions being taken and commitments made. The purpose of the CIS is to ensure that design decision-makers consider crime, disorder and fear of crime before determining whether to proceed with new projects. A CIS will include all the requirements for Secured By Design accreditation, should the client wish to apply for the award.

Greater Manchester Police recommend that a Crime Impact Statement should be produced by a suitably qualified security assessor for the following types of developments:
- Residential developments (new or conversions) where ten or more units are created
- Office and commercial developments
- Change of use to licensed premises or bookmakers
- New build student accomodation
- Conversion to student accomodation where 10 units or more are created
- Retail schemes when 100sqm or more GFS is created, or three units are created
- Hotels
- All schools
- All health facilities
- All new leisure/recreation facilities (public and private) or significant extensions thereof
- Nursing homes
- Religious buildings
- Transport infrastructure and stations
- Industrial developments and warehouses